Friday, July 14, 2006


I signed the option.

It's for nine months. This young, L.A. producer thinks he has great opportunities for our animation script. The option was for free this time (he paid $500 a year ago). Bottom line -- he can market my script better than I can from NY so we'll see what happens.

It's hot, hot, hot and humid in NYC. I'm working crazy hours in TV news. I'm still finding the energy to pound the keys though. Interesting term -- pounding the keys. I was editing with a NYC reporter the other day. He was sitting next to me writing his on-air script... and he was literally POUNDING the keys... but with such enthusiasm and joy. This is a local reporter who LOVES his work. You can just tell. He LOVES his job. Do you feel like that when you write? Sometimes I pound the keys with a little more excitement. Does it help our writing? Does that energy translate to the page? I bet it does.

Seeing lots of summer flicks "The Pirates of the Caribbean" (pretty good, but longgggg), "Superman Returns" (pretty good, but longgggg), "The Devil Wears Prada" fun, but something I've seen before (watch "Working Girl" with Melanie Griffith). I love Meryl Streep though and Anne Hathaway is turning into a fine actress. I saw her at a panel discussion for "Brokeback Mountain". She is bright, theater-trained, and an amazing personality.

Keep cool.

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